Kitab al-Muharrir al-Wajeez by Ibn Atiyah is an Android application that contains an important and u...
Kitab al-Muharrir al-Wajeez by Ibn Atiyah is an Android application that contains an important and useful book for all Muslims in the field of interpretation of the Noble Qur’anAl-Muharrir al-Wajeez fi Tafsir al-Kitab al-Aziz is one of the books of the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an, written by al-Hafiz Ibn Atiyah al-AndalusiAbout the interpretationIbn Attia said in the introduction to this interpretation: “...I meant in it that it be comprehensive, concise, edited, and I do not mention from the stories except what the verse cannot be separated from except with it, and I established the sayings of the scholars in the meanings attributed to them on what the righteous predecessors, may God be pleased with them, received the Book of God from its sound Arabic intentions From the atheism of the people of the saying of the symbols and the people of the saying of the knowledge of the esoteric and others, so when did one of the scholars who had a good opinion of them come across a word that tends to something of the purposes of the atheists, I alerted him and listed the interpretation in this comment according to the rank of the words of the verse of judgment, syntax, language, meaning, or reading and intended Follow the words so that there is no ramifications, as in many of the books of the commentators, and I saw that the classification of the interpretation, as the Mahdawi made, is a division of consideration, a divergence of thought, and I intended to include all the readings used and abnormal, and I relied on clarifying the meanings and all possible words. ».Among the important topics in this field: The Holy QuranTafsir Ibn KathirInterpretation of dreamsInterpretation of the two majesties with the reasons for the descent without the netTafsir Jalalayn SuyutiBrief interpretation of Ibn KatheerBrief interpretation of al-Tabari without the netBrief interpretation of Ibn Katheer without the netBrief interpretation of the Holy QuranA brief interpretation of Ibn Katheer by Sheikh Mustafa Al-AdawiInterpretation of the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Uthaymeen without the netCouncils for the month of Ramadan, Ibn Othaymeen, without the netThe brief interpretation of the Noble Qur’an without the NetThe abbreviated interpretation of the Holy Quran audioInterpretation of Razzaq Fattouh unseenThe abbreviated interpretation of the Noble Qur’an, sixth editionThe abbreviated interpretation of the Noble Qur’an, a verse and interpretationThe brief interpretation of the Noble Qur’an without the NetThe Concise Interpretation of the Quran - Part Two - Fourth EditionMasterpieces of the statement in the interpretation of the verses of the rulings of Al-SabouniThe elite interpretations of the soap without the netThe core of the transmission in the reasons for the descent of SuyutiThe reasons for the descent of Ibn KatheerThe reasons for descending in the Holy Qur’an without the netEncyclopedia of interpretations and sciences of the KoranAl-Durar al-Saniyyah, Encyclopedia of Interpretation The spirit of the statement in the interpretation of the KoranQuran management and work without the netMeditation and statement in the interpretation of the KoranInterpretation of the words of the Holy Quran word for wordGuidance of the beneficiary in the provisions of intonation without the netThe jurisprudential summary of Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan without the netInterpretation of Ibn Katheer audio without the netInterpretation of Ibn Abbas and his narratives in the interpretation of the Sunnah booksTafsir al-Khazen bookSunan al-Tirmidhi with explanationInterpretations of the Holy Quran without the InternetTeaching the learner the way of learning for ZarnoojiAl-Barzanji generator without the netMaqamat Hariri Urdu ExplanationWritten Ramadan lessonsGreat interpretationsCollector of interpretationsQuranic interpretationsInterpretation and interpreters of the goldenInterpretation and funny statementIt is also one of the mothers of books of interpretation by opinion.Tabaris interpretationInterpretation of MaturidiAl-Baghawis interpretationinterpretation of the ovalNasafi interpretationMawardis interpretationKhazen interpretationInterpretation of Ibn AttiaTafsir Ibn KathirInterpretation of Ibn JuzyInterpretation of Nizam al-Din al-NisaburiTaalabis interpretationBeqais interpretationInterpretation of Abu SaudInterpretation of Zad Al-MasirInterpretation of GilaniInterpretation of al-Durr al-ManthurInterpretation of the Sea of ScienceInterpretation of the ocean seaInterpretation of the long seaInterpretation of Al-Sarraj Al-MunirTafsir JalalainInterpretation of the electAl-Manar interpretationInterpretation of liberation and enlightenmentInterpretation of flower interpretationsInterpretation of the elite interpretationsShaarawys interpretation